County Working on New Transportation Plan, Tower Lease
Photos and story by Rick Hiduk Wyoming County Commissioners (from left) Judy Mead, Tom Henry, and Ron Williams discussed a variety of topics in a relatively short meeting on July 1. Among them were a new transportation deal for senior citizens and the county’s lease with Shadowbrook Resort for theContinue Reading
Area Students Receive Arts Excellence Awards
The Bradford County Regional Arts Council (BCRAC) is pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 Arts Excellence Awards: • Sydney Hill, Athens Area High School • Alexandria Ayrton, Canton Jr./Sr. High School • Julie Cooper, Northeast Bradford High School • Kaitlyn Victor, Sayre Area High School • Ean Ammerman,Continue Reading
Man Mulls Hunting on Sundays
Submitted by Joe Doherty I had everything planned and had told my wife I would not be going to church with her on Sunday. My wife reminded me that Sunday was the Sabbath Day and that hunting a trophy buck should not be part of the Sabbath. 1. I scoutedContinue Reading
Prisoner Transport Van in Service – New Boilers, Not So Much
Photo and story by Rick Hiduk Wyoming County Commissioners (from left) Ron Williams, Judy Mead, and Tom Henry and Sheriff Ned Sherman display the new van that has already been used to transport prisoners. Despite the persistent optimism of both Warden Ken Repsher and the Wyoming County Commissioners at monthly PrisonContinue Reading
Clifford Township Historians Welcome EMHR Board
Clifford Township Historical Society associates welcomed board members from Endless Mountain Heritage Region to Susquehanna County on June 18. Among those celebrating the successful partnership between the two agencies were (from left) CTHS members Linda Parlanti, Shirley Granger, and Ruth Knighton; Debra Velunas (representing Rep. Sandra Major); Tom Yoniski (representing Sen.Continue Reading
State House Supports Public Education of Lyme Disease
In an effort to further educate the public about Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses, the PA House of Representatives has passed legislation to create a Lyme disease-specific task force and conduct tick surveillance programs across the state, according to Rep. Tina Pickett, who voted for the measure. “Across theContinue Reading
Songs of Summer: Top Dance/Party Hits June 2014
Calvin Harris (above) is out of the gate with the Song of Summer award, for his aptly titled “Summer.” There are many other dance-oriented hits that have a decidedly summer vibe, including Nico & Vinz’ “Am I Wrong,” Magic’s “Rude” and even country crossover heartthrob Jake Owen with “Beachin’” ThenContinue Reading
Prothonotary and Commissioners Spar Over Passports
Photo and Story by Rick Hiduk A public meeting of the Bradford County Commissioners (top) followed a closed-door meeting comprised of the commissioners, heads of local chambers of commerce and museum directors on June 11. An agenda bloated with new hires, transfers, promotions and their respective salaries was upstaged byContinue Reading
County Treasurer Takes Seat on State Board – Office Receives State Recognition
Photo and story by Rick Hiduk In addition to seconding the approval of the salaries for more than 40 county employees as per recent hires, transfers and promotions on June 11, Bradford County Treasurer Becky Clark (above) announced that she had elected Second Vice President of the state’s County TreasurerContinue Reading
Bridge Inspections, Senior Services, and Courthouse Windows Discussed at Meeting
Photo and story by Rick Hiduk Wyoming County Commissioners split a vote on June 5 but approved an amendment to a contract involving the painting of the windows in the courthouse in Tunkhannock. It was not the first glitch in an already quarter-million dollar contract and will add significant costsContinue Reading