Elected Officials Among Farm Show Attendees
Numerous elected officials attended the 2025 Pennsylvania Farm Show in Harrisburg in January, some to check on constituents who were exhibiting or participating in other ways, some with family and friends to see what the Farm Show had to offer, and others to make presentations of their own. Bradford CountyContinue Reading
Rome 4-H Alumni Scores Big With Sheep at PA Farm Show
Kathryn Donnelly-Taylor holds a Dorset Advantage lamb named Phoebe that won a first place ribbon at this year’s Pennsylvania Farm Show. The ribbon is held by Ava Neville, a fellow 4-H member of many years and former Northeast Bradford FFA president. Story by Rick Hiduk / Submitted Photo (originally publishedContinue Reading
Borderline 4-H’ers Continue PA Farm Show Wins with Dairy Goats
Returning to the Pennsylvania Farm Show in Harrisburg this year and making outstanding progress with both their goats and individual showmanship were Borderline Livestock & Community 4-H Club members (from left) Caitlin Demarest with Stripey, Emily Gorham with Evanna, and Tristan Rozelle with Lena. Story by Rick Hiduk / SubmittedContinue Reading
NEB FFA Impresses PA Farm Show Judges with Projects
Northeast Bradford student FFA members who were integral to the construction of an award-winning landscape display at this year’s PA Farm Show included (above, from left) Madalyn Smith, Malachi Taylor, (kneeling) Adam Keir, Carson Vrabel, Quentin Johnson, Mackenzie Clark, (standing) Sophia Tice and Abby Keeney. and (not pictured) Luke RussellContinue Reading
High School Senior Excels at Role as Dairy Ambassador
Olivia Spako of Sullivan County worked two shifts in the Dairy Promotion Corner at the Pennsylvania Farm Show this year. She enjoyed sharing her knowledge of the dairy industry and wants to become an ag teacher. Story and photo by Rick Hiduk (originally published in the Sullivan Review) The DairyContinue Reading
Endless Mountains 4-H Members Among Temple Grandin Audience at Farm Show
Story and lead Photo by Rick Hiduk Members of the Endless Mountains 4-H Club gather at the Pennsylvania Farm Show’s famous butter sculpture upon arrival at the Farm Show Complex recently. The youths were treated to a special presentation by author, inventor, and college professor Temple Grandin before they venturedContinue Reading
Athens FFA Members Spread Farm Show Wings
Eighth graders (from left) Morgan Smith, Charlotte Delamater, Kylie Hall, and Riley Worden hold the wreaths that they entered as projects at this year’s Pennsylvania Farm Show. Story and photos by Rick Hiduk (originally published in The Daily Review) FFA members from both Athens’ middle and high schools took onContinue Reading
Crockpot Cookoff Planned to Benefit Meshoppen Cat Rescue
The annual Crockpot Pot Luck Cook-Off to Benefit Meshoppen Cat Rescue will be held on Sunday, Feb. 23 in the Banquet Room at American Legion Post 510 on Old Route 6 in Black Walnut – half way between Meshoppen and Laceyville. This is the second year for the event toContinue Reading
Susquehanna County Men Receive Farm Show Scholarships
Rep. Jonathan Fritz is flanked by Jack Kowalewski (left) and Alex Empets, both recipients on Jan. 7 of scholarships from the Pennsylvania Farm Show Scholarship Foundation and the McCauley Foundation. Story and photo by Rick Hiduk (Originally published in the Susquehanna County Independent) Since 1993, the Pennsylvania Farm Show ScholarshipContinue Reading
First Turkey Takes First Prize at PA Farm Show
Adalyn Heess of Shunk embraces her turkey hen, Henrietta, after winning blue ribbons in showmanship and for the bird itself. Adalyn looks forward to working with and showing a steer this year. Story by Rick Hiduk / submitted photo (originally published in the Sullivan Review) Showing animals at the countyContinue Reading