Andy Dewing works with children at the Pennsylvania Farm show, sharing fun facts about maple syrup production at an education table sponsored by the PA Maple Syrup Producers Council. Story and photo by Rick Hiduk (Originally published in the Rocket-Courier ) It was a banner year at Dewy Meadows FarmContinue Reading

Gorham sisters Emily (left) and Sarah (right) flank mentor and Borderline Livestock and Community 4-H Club adviser Jill Kutz after their wins at the Pennsylvania Farm Show. Above, Tristan Rozelle of South Montrose shows Kiara. Story by Rick Hiduk / Submitted photos (Originally published in the Susquehanna County Independent) BorderlineContinue Reading

Photo by Rick Hiduk (Originally published in the Daily Review) Amber Hughes of Camptown was one of many representatives of Penn State Extension who staffed the Extension’s exhibit and activity area in the Giant Expo Hall at the Pennsylvania Farm Show last week. On Jan. 12, she invited visitors toContinue Reading

Canton FFA First year jacket recipients at the recent Pennsylvania State FFA Association Mid-Winter Convention at the Pennsylvania Farm Show on Jan. 8 included (above, from left) Jonah Gibble, Alyssa May, Kailey Frederick, Alli Morgan, Fayth Kilbourn, Savannah Bastian-Brown, and Aurora Groover. Below, Those involved in setting up a landscapeContinue Reading

Photo by Rick Hiduk Sen. Gene Yaw (PA 23rd) attended the 108th Pennsylvania Farm Show in Harrisburg on Jan. 10 to participate in a joint informational meeting of the Senate and House Agriculture and Rural Affairs committees, which featured a five year overview of the PA Farm Bill. Afterwards, hisContinue Reading

Preparing for their shift at the Penn State Extension’s 4-H Friends booth at the PA Farm Show on Jan. 12 were advisers Ann Fitzgerald (left), Josh Fry (third from left), and Sandy Pardoe (right) and Sullivan County 4-H members Aiden Weisenberger, Morgan Broschart, Allen Spako, Charley Insinger, Olivia Spako, MaddyContinue Reading

Ariana Cook displays the bounty of ribbons she collected at the PA Farm show by showing black Polish rabbits, including Ruby, whom she is holding. Story by Rick Hiduk / Submitted Photo (Originally published in the Daily Review) A Bradford county 4-H member from Powell continues to expand her repertoireContinue Reading

Jan. 6 was a great night for Tim Wells and anyone else associated with Deep Roots Hard Cider of Sugar Run. The nine-year old business took two awards with its wines and three ribbons for ciders that were entered, including two first prizes. Ben Wenk (above, left) an associate ofContinue Reading

2024 Pennsylvania Honey Queen and 2020 Canton High School graduate Cheyenne Bastian-Brown bumped into Rep. Clint Owlett (PA 68th) during the Public Officials Day luncheon at the 108th PA Farm Show in Harrisburg on Jan. 10. Story and photo by Rick Hiduk (Originally published in the Daily Review) Cheyenne Bastian-BrownContinue Reading