(Mehoopany) Connection for Oil, Gas & Environment in the Northern Tier, Inc. (COGENT) is pleased to announce the organization’s new web page – Regional Air Emissions Data. The new web page, based on the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Emissions Inventory data, features regional and county specific data regarding the pollutants common to reported gas industry emissions.
Indicating the progression of regional air quality changes, the data spans from 2005 through the most recent available data, 2012. The new web page may be found at www.cogentpa.org Marcellus Shale/Air Quality/Regional Air Emissions Data.
“We are receiving many inquiries about our Region’s air quality,” noted Emily Krafjack, President of COGENT. She further stated, “This information should not be viewed as a final indication of how our air quality has changed, but rather, it should be viewed as air quality in transition.
The information clearly indicates that the intermittent drilling activity affects air quality, as well as, the transition to production with more compressor stations, and as other pipeline above ground infrastructure comes on line. It is important to note this available data is roughly two years old, and may not reflect the present air quality. This is exactly why the region needs a complete air monitoring network.”
While the Northern Tier Region lacks a complete air monitoring network, currently, DEP does have two ozone monitors and two air toxics monitors placed in the Northern Tier. The DEP issues an annual air monitoring network plan that is available for public comment. COGENT issues Action Alerts which may be subscribed to on their website advising of such opportunities and how to participate.
Besides providing current data, an air monitoring network would provide the region with the opportunity for notifications of Air Quality Action Days. Such notifications advise the public when asthmatics and those challenged with respiratory and other health challenges should remain indoors or when strenuous activity outdoors should be avoided by healthy individuals during periods of reduced air quality.
Such days may occur throughout the year, as an example, for such items as high ozone or particulate matter pollution. Such information is very helpful to parents managing their children’s asthma, activities and medication, as well as, all those challenged with respiratory ailments.
Connection for Oil, Gas & Environment in the Northern Tier, Inc. is a resource for those seeking reliable, objective information regarding all aspects relative to the development of unconventional shale resources. COGENT is a resource for landowners and communities alike striving to find and advocate for a balance that supports public health and safety, community and the environment balanced with the needs of industry. COGENT’s focus includes regional air quality issues.