By Rick Hiduk (Exclusive to readers) The Bradford County commissioners approved a new agency partnership and a realignment of management to help ease staffing stress at the Bradford County Manor and for Children & Youth Services. They also provided information for upcoming COVID vaccination clinics for veterans and personsContinue Reading

Participants in the Nov. 12 meeting of the Bradford County Commissioners included (top, left) Doug McLinko and Daryl Miller and (above) John Sullivan. By Rick Hiduk (Exclusive to readers) The Bradford County Commissioners made their proposed budget for 2021 available for public inspection today, discussed a number of publicContinue Reading

Story by Rick Hiduk (Exclusive to readers) Though some technical difficulties delayed the start of the Bradford County Commissioners meeting on Thursday morning, they continued their series of live, online presentations from courtroom #2 at the courthouse in Towanda. Accessible on their Facebook page, BC Commissioners, the platform alsoContinue Reading