Photo and Story by Rick Hiduk Bradford County Prison Board members in attendance at Thursday’s meeting included (from left) Sheriff C.J. Walters, County Commissioners Doug McLinko and Mark Smith, Deputy Warden Pete Quattrini, Commissioner Daryl Miller, Warden Don Stewart, and (not pictured) Judge Maureen Beirne and District Attorney Daniel Barrett.Continue Reading

Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician Teresa McCloskey of Wyoming County shared the following information for EML readers: As the first snows of winter start to swirl and parents bundle children in winter coats or snowsuits, it’s important to remember that bulky clothing can be dangerous for children when riding inContinue Reading

Photos by Rick Hiduk By noon on Tuesday, some of the snow that had fallen during the night had begun to evaporate, including from the fields in Terry and Wyalusing Townships in Bradford County. Last week, national and local weather forecasters threw a scare into those of us living alongContinue Reading

Photo and Story by Rick Hiduk All smiles after a free screening of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at the Dietrich Theater in Tunkhannock on Saturday were (front, center) Richard Iseminger, (clockwise from left) Nancy Iseminger, Kathleen Mills, Emily Iseminger, and Natalie Mills. The Isemingers live in Stevensville, and the MillsContinue Reading

Since I have been writing about the evolution and business of natural gas extraction in the Endless Mountains for nearly three years now, friends and relatives outside the area often ask me how our lives have changed as a result of an influx of new people, technologies, and ways ofContinue Reading

It ended almost as quickly as it began. Two unidentified old men sitting at the bar at the Marie Antoinette in Wyalusing Township on Wednesday night left their bar stools and laid side-by-side on the floor and commenced to leg rasslin’ with no apparent provocation. Laying opposite each other, theContinue Reading

Photo by Rick Hiduk Construction of the new cupola for the Dandy Mini Mart in Wysox Township is nearing completion, according to project manager Willy Rowe of Middendorf Contracting. Though he concedes that it might be wishful thinking, Rowe suggested that the dome might be moved with a heavy-duty craneContinue Reading