Commissioners Invite Bradford County Residents to Review Budget
Photo and Story by Rick Hiduk At their Nov. 14 meeting, Bradford County Commissioners (from left) Doug McLinko, Daryl Miller, and Mark Smith authorized the advertisement of the 2014 County Budgets for review. The public has 20 days to look at and comment on the proposals, which will be approvedContinue Reading
BCHS Reports on Successful Campaign
Photo and Story by Rick Hiduk Bradford County Humane Society Executive Director Jennifer Spencer holds a chihuahua mix pup named Penny at the Oct. 31 meeting of the Bradford County Commissioners. Expanding the number of stores involved in the Shop for Pete and Penny campaign led to an increase ofContinue Reading
Prison Population In Check – Supervised Bail Program Begins
Photo and Story by Rick Hiduk Bradford County Prison Board members in attendance at Thursday’s meeting included (from left) Sheriff C.J. Walters, County Commissioners Doug McLinko and Mark Smith, Deputy Warden Pete Quattrini, Commissioner Daryl Miller, Warden Don Stewart, and (not pictured) Judge Maureen Beirne and District Attorney Daniel Barrett.Continue Reading
Thick Coats and Snowsuits Can Reduce Car Seat Safety
Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician Teresa McCloskey of Wyoming County shared the following information for EML readers: As the first snows of winter start to swirl and parents bundle children in winter coats or snowsuits, it’s important to remember that bulky clothing can be dangerous for children when riding inContinue Reading
Old Man Winter Flirts With the Region
Photos by Rick Hiduk By noon on Tuesday, some of the snow that had fallen during the night had begun to evaporate, including from the fields in Terry and Wyalusing Townships in Bradford County. Last week, national and local weather forecasters threw a scare into those of us living alongContinue Reading
Agencies Sponsor Free Family Outing at Dietrich
Photo and Story by Rick Hiduk All smiles after a free screening of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at the Dietrich Theater in Tunkhannock on Saturday were (front, center) Richard Iseminger, (clockwise from left) Nancy Iseminger, Kathleen Mills, Emily Iseminger, and Natalie Mills. The Isemingers live in Stevensville, and the MillsContinue Reading
Dietrich Theater and Keystone College to Host Auditions
The Dietrich Theater and Keystone College will be co-producing the play “The Laramie Project” in April 2014. This is the true story of Matthew Shepard, a 21 year old University of Wyoming student who was kidnapped, severely beaten, tied to a fence and left to die because he was gay.Continue Reading
HUMOR: Flamingo Brigade Successfully Thwarts Unwanted Hunters
Photo and Story by Rick Hiduk Capt. Bill stands near a Posted sign in Wyoming County with his flock of 75 flamingos. The unusual contingent is guarding a property line to dissuade persistent hunters. Motorists traveling a certain dirt road in western Wyoming County have thrown second and third glancesContinue Reading
Review: Country Night Exceeds Expectations
Photo and Story by Rick Hiduk One hundred line dancers or more at a time filled the dance floor at Shadowbrook on Saturday evening. They were some of 300 country music fans who turned out to hear the band Southbound and reminisce with old friends who used to meet atContinue Reading
Rick’s Report – How Has Natural Gas Changed Us?
Since I have been writing about the evolution and business of natural gas extraction in the Endless Mountains for nearly three years now, friends and relatives outside the area often ask me how our lives have changed as a result of an influx of new people, technologies, and ways ofContinue Reading