Thousands of miles of underground pipelines buried underneath Pennsylvania’s Northern Tier present new challenges to area first responders. COGENT, a locally-based organization proactive in pursuing productive partnerships among those involved in and affected by the natural gas industry, will receive funds from the state to provide specialized training for localContinue Reading

(Harrisburg) – Pennsylvania’s servicemen and servicewomen are now able to have their veteran status included on their state-issued driver licenses or non-driver identification cards, Rep. Tina Pickett (below), representing all or portions of Bradford, Sullivan, and Susquehanna Counties, announced today. With the designation, which is available to eligible veterans atContinue Reading

Lt. Gov. Candidate Responds to Corbett Spot (February 24, 2014) By Rick Hiduk Democratic Lieutenant Governor Candidate Mark Smith released a video today in response to the ad aired on Feb. 19 that served as the opening for Republican Governor Tom Corbett’s campaign for reelection. Though the two men will notContinue Reading

Bradford County Makes the Decision to Go It Alone As incensed and dismayed as I was upon leaving the Bradford County Commissioners meeting in Towanda on Feb. 13, I’m glad that I held off a week to write about it. A stubborn cold left me a little too cloudy toContinue Reading

Photo of Asylum Township, Bradford County, and Story by Rick Hiduk Since 1962, the Endless Mountains Visitors Bureau has promoted sites like French Azilum in Bradford County among residents of its four-county region and beyond. The origins of the term describing the rolling glacier-carved cliffs and hilltops, deep valleys, andContinue Reading

By Rick Hiduk Almost as soon as I began spending my allowance and newspaper delivery money on yard sale records, I learned to look for 45s with the yellow/orange yin-yang logo of 1960s Capitol records and the green apple of Apple Records that bore most of the Beatles’ later hits.Continue Reading

TOWANDA—Bradford County Commissioner Mark Smith named his consultant team for his Lieutenant Governor’s campaign on Monday. “My consultant team brings an incredible amount of experience and talent to my campaign for Lieutenant Governor,” said Smith, a second term County Commissioner. Andrew Eldredge-Martin, Smith’s general consultant, is the Senior Media DirectorContinue Reading

Photo and Story by Rick Hiduk Betty Booth of Nicholson Township was one of several citizens at a public hearing held at the courthouse in Tunkhannock on Tuesday who encouraged the Wyoming County Commissioners to take a more proactive approach with gas-related issues as the county faces a dramatic increaseContinue Reading