Photos and story by Rick Hiduk Wyoming County Commissioners (from left) Judy Mead, Tom Henry, and Ron Williams discussed a variety of topics in their July 29 meeting and signed an Emergency Management Performance Grant. The regular meeting of the Wyoming County Commissioners on July 29 began with public commentaryContinue Reading

Photo and Story by Rick Hiduk Wyoming County Commissioners (from left) Judy Mead, Tom Henry, and Ron Williams sign proclamations and other documents during their April 22 meeting in Tunkhannock. Among other agenda items discussed at the regular meeting of the Wyoming County Commissioners on April 22 was the adoptionContinue Reading

Photo and Story by Rick Hiduk Wyoming County Commissioners (from right) Tom Henry, Ron Williams, and Judy Meade proclaimed the county’s observance of April 13 to 19 as National Public Safety Telecommunications Week. They were joined at the meeting by Wyoming County 911 staff members (from left) Brian Miller, DebiContinue Reading

Photo and Story by Rick Hiduk Wyoming County Prison Board members, including (from foreground) Sheriff Ned Sherman, Warden Ken Repsher, Assistant Warden Gordon Traveny, and Public Defender Deborah Albert-Heise held their monthly meeting at the courthouse in Tunkhannock on April 8.  There are currently 76 inmates incarcerated in Tunkhannock, andContinue Reading

Photos and Story by Rick Hiduk The Wyoming County Commissioners chambers at the courthouse in Tunkhannock were filled on March 11, as representatives from Luzerne-Wyoming Counties Mental Health and Developmental Services (MH/DS), several elected officials, and clients served by the agency joined the regular meeting of the commissioners for aContinue Reading

Photos and Story by Rick Hiduk Wyoming County Commissioners (from left) Ron Williams, Tom Henry, and Judy Mead and the county’s election board honored (continuing from left) Janet Kristunas, Walter Reese and (not pictured) William Dodge for 50 years each of consecutive voting in local and national elections. In aContinue Reading