James Welch of Tunkhannock (top, right) receives a handshake from commissioner Tom Henry (left) and a citation for his dedication to voting in general elections from fellow commissioners Judy Mead and Mike Stabinski. Above, some of more than 50 Wyoming County voters who have voted in every November election for the past 50 years or more who were honored on Tuesday by the Wyoming County commissioners.
Photos and story by Rick Hiduk
(Also published in the Rocket-Courier)
Fourteen of more than 50 long-time voters from Wyoming County attended a brief ceremony in Courtroom #1 in Tunkhannock on Tuesday to be recognized for their commitment to voting. The Wyoming County commissioners thanked county elections supervisor Flo Kellett for keeping track of the voters who have never missed an election.
Commissioner Tom Henry noted that there had never been as many citizens honored at the same time for 50-plus years of consecutive voting. Many in attendance, like Judy Schoonover of Tunkhannock, have also served as long-time poll workers.
A number of recipients were unable to attend the event, including some who were on winter vacations. Others were accompanied by spouses or other family members.
Those honored included Eugene Adams, Ralph Anderson, Earle Ayers, Nancy Bennett, Shirley Bennett, Nellie Benninger, Dorothy Case, Frank Coliskey, James Davis, Martha Davis, Walter Derhammer Sr., William Dodge, Russell Dymond, Ann Jean Ellsworth, Robert Ferguson Jr., Bruce Gelnett, Rita Graziano, Richard Hadsall, Clarence Henning II, Edward Hopkins, Kenneth Jayne, Marjorie Kinney, Janet Kristunas, Alta Kubick, Carolyn Layaou, Ronold Learn, Audrey Lyons, John Lyons, Agnes Mary Massacesi, Raymond Massacesi, Sara McGovern, Frank Miner, Charles Patton, Laurence Patton, Shirley Patton, Sheryl Phillips, Robert Place, Joyce Race, Walter Reese, Albert Robinson, Bessie Robinson, Carl Salsman, Judy Schoonover, Jo Anne Shaffer, Donald Sherwood, Jean Sick, Barbara Stauffer, Katherine Stevens, Mary Therese Story, Jennie Stuble, Ferne Tiffany, Alice Vanderburg, Ruth Vincenti, Margaret Weiss, James Welch Sr., Ann Marie Willis, Lois Wilson, Paul Wilson, Lance Wintermute, and Joanne Witter.
Each received a citation signed by the commissioners.
Wyoming County commissioner Tom Henry extends a hand to Richard Hadsall of Monroe Township as county elections director Flo Kellett looks on.