Hundreds of quilts displayed in the sanctuary of the United Methodist Church (top) were an unusual but appreciable site during the Hometown Fall Fest. Shari Herring (above, left) of Thornhurst stopped by the Dietrich Theater on Saturday to learn what her old friend, Frances Urie, had to say about the ‘World War I: On the Home Front’ exhibit.
Photos and story by Rick Hiduk
(Also published in the Rocket-Courier)
Numerous businesses and non-profit organizations threw open their doors on Saturday and invited residents and visitors to Tunkhannock inside for a taste of autumn, via both edible delights and artistic expression. There was also plenty happening on the streets of town in support of Tunkhannock’s annual Hometown Fall Fest, which ran all day on Oct. 6.
Collections of quilts were on display at the Wyoming County Historical Society, the United Methodist Church, the Wyoming County Cultural Center and other locations throughout town. Each of the aforementioned also hosted additional activities and exhibits. The church conducted a yard sale and basket raffle, and there was a reptiles and amphibians presentation at the Dietrich Theater, as well as an exhibit depicting efforts on the home front that supported our allies and soldiers in the first world war.
In addition to a plein air artist painting street scenes, live music sponsored by the Kitson Arts Alliance also filled the air.
Ebb’s Candy Jar hosted a popcorn bar, children’s crafts, and a book signing. Keystone Konfections held a pie-eating contest, let children create their own music, and provided a photo opportunity for kids of all ages to be the cherry on a cupcake. Activities spread outwards from town where wine and beer tasting and pumpkin glamming took place. The Tunkhannock Public Library conduced a book sale that lasted through the weekend. Festivities wrapped up at a downtown eatery with a benefit concert featuring regional musicians.
Additional photos by Rick Hiduk
Emily Mowry of Tunkhannock holds a snake brought to the Dietrich Theater by reptile expert Rick Koval.
Nathan Webb of Meshoppen is mesmerized by a pair of snakes that were part of the ‘Reptiles and Amphibians of NEPA’ show held at the Dietrich Theater on Saturday.
Hop Bottom artist Lewallace “Rip” Howard captures a moment in time in oil paints on Tioga Street in Tunkhannock.
Guitarist Alex Key was one of many performers sponsored by the Kitson Arts Alliance at the intersection of Quilts and Arts in downtown Tunkhannock.
Selling chances on raffle baskets to support a mission trip to the Philippines were (from left) Leona Sturdevant, Nancy Reilly, and Carol Sloan.
Patrick McGlynn (left) and Haylie Tesluk put the cherries on top of a pair of cupcakes at Keystone Konfections.
Minnie Mouse greeted children visiting Ebb’s Candy Jar, where they could also participate in an autumn-themed craft activity.
Arts on display extended to poetry on Saturday, as Nicholson author Nikki Stone signed her latest book on Saturday.