Irises rendered in oil by Karen Black and an a wire sculpture of a scorpion by Sean Murphy offer just a hint of the variety of artistic mediums that will be exhibited on May 29.
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A Pop-up Art show will appear on Saturday, May 29 at Studio K at 76 Blacks Road, Dushore, PA from noon to 4 pm, rain or shine.
The event is sponsored by The Pen and Brush Club of North East PA. Members and guest artists will be displaying their artwork and artisan talents at this outdoor event. There will be pottery, watercolors, oils, wire sculpture, acrylics, drawings, handmade jewelry among others.
Members will also be demonstrating their favorite mediums throughout the afternoon.
Please follow all CDC guidelines for masks and social distancing.
A Pop-up Art Show is a temporary display at a venue willing to host an art show for free that goes up one day and disappears the next.
The Pen and Brush Club of NEPA is a private collaboration of independently creative artists who gather together monthly for support, fun and socialization. The goal is to create a community of artists, from beginner to professional, that supports and encourages each member on their journey of discovery of their passion in the arts.
This fledgling group began in 2019 and held its first public show in February 2020 just prior to the pandemic. The group hopes to bring more creative people together and help energize everyone’s creativity through the social gatherings which take place in state parks, woodlands, or other interesting places.
There are no membership fees but a commitment of 6 months of attendance to gatherings is required to be under consideration for membership. For more information, contact Karen Black at
An ocean scene in watercolor and a ceramic goblet my Club member Lisa Major
Bead jewelry created by Camelia Perguero