Presenting the grant check to NTIEC Educational Coordinator Deb Tierney (above, left) and NTIEC Executive Director Shealynn Shave (right) is AllOne Charities Executive Director John Cosgrove.
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NTIEC recently received a $10,000 grant from AllOne Charities for our “Rural Healthcare Career Initiative” for students in grades 8-12. The healthcare sector has historically found it very difficult to staff the many positions that are open due to an aging workforce and the lack of students wanting to remain in the area. NTIEC is eager to address the critical shortage of healthcare workers in Wyoming, Susquehanna and Bradford Counties. The purpose of the grant is to bring healthcare professionals and students together so that they can explore first-hand the various career opportunities available to them in right here in northeast PA. For more information about the programs NTIEC offers, contact Deb Tierney at 570-278-5038 or via email at