Scott McKinney (top, center) addresses students at Lackawanna Trail Jr/Sr High School, along with Environmental and Integrated Sciences teacher Stephen Jervis, (seated,left) and guidance counselor Timothy Ronchi. Above, McKinney talks to students at Mountain View Jr/Sr High School.
Submitted Article
Northern Tier Industry & Education Consortium (NTIEC) recently presented students in Lackawanna, Susquehanna and Wyoming Counties with a very unique opportunity. Mr. Scott McKinney, Global Oil & Gas Accounts Leader at Golder, visited with over 200 high school students from three area school districts (Lackawanna Trail Jr/Sr High School, Mountain View Jr/Sr High School and Abington Heights High School) in Northeastern Pennsylvania, earlier this month.
The students were enlightened about the history and unique qualities of their hometown oil and gas reserves. They explored the geological history of the Marcellus Shale Play and how it’s unique amongst the natural gas plays around the world. Scott then discussed the educational opportunities and career opportunities that exist in their own backyard or across the globe within the oil and gas industry.
Mr. McKinney concluded by fielding questions from the students about his own educational and career pathway and encouraged them to be open minded to considering post-secondary educational training, in oil and gas or any career path of their choosing.
For students and parents interested in learning more about NTIEC’s programs, please feel free to call us and speak with us directly at 570-278-5038 or visit our website at Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook.