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The Penn State Master Gardener volunteer program supports the outreach mission of Penn State Extension by utilizing unbiased research-based information to educate the public and our communities on best practices in sustainable horticulture and environmental stewardship.
Public Classes are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from May to September at 6:15 PM. New this year the classes are moving around Bradford County. Classes are open to the public and there is no charge. Grab a lawn chair and head to a class this summer. The group would love to see you!
June 18 – Greenhouse Clearance- Should I plant it? Guthrie Community Garden Sayre. PA- Corner of Lehigh St. and N. Elmer Ave
Join the group at the Guthrie Community Garden in Sayre for the 2nd public class of the summer. As greenhouses start to close for the season, learn what to look for before planting. The Guthrie Garden has reserved a few beds for planting of these finds. Come prepared to dig in the dirt, if you wish. Learn about succession planting. We will learn about identifying common plant diseases/pests and how the Master Gardener program can help you during the growing season.
July 23 – Planting for Pollinators- Troy Fair (Gate Admission Required to Fair-Class is free) Join the Master Gardeners at the “Hill Garden” near the FFA Building for an informative class on planting for pollinators and view the established perennial garden that is full of pollinator friendly plantings.
August 20 – Concrete Planter Making & Succulents- Towanda Demo Garden, South 4th St.
Come have fun with us making concrete planters and then learn about succulents and how to care for them. Reservations strongly suggested for this class.
September 17 – Taste of the Garden- Towanda Demo Garden, South 4th St.
Everyone’s favorite class! Master Gardeners provide tasty tidbits, recipe exchange, and learn about preserving techniques. Bring a recipe if you’d like!
Inclement weather may require us to change location or date. Please call or check the Facebook Page for updates- Penn State Master Gardeners of Bradford and Sullivan Counties. For more information, contact Tamara Heess, Master Gardener Coordinator for Bradford/Sullivan Counties at 570-337-7819 or email