Window Opens Soon for EMHR Mini-Grant Applications

The Wyoming County Cultural Center successfully applied for an EMHR Partnership Mini-Grant that covered the cost of a third mural (top) by artist Bob Lizza that was applied to the Bridge Street side of the Dietrich Theater in 2021. Extensive exterior and interior renovations of the LeRoy Heritage Museum building (above) were made possible by a partnership mini-grant procured in 2020.

The Endless Mountains Heritage Region (EMHR) will be distributing Partnership/Mini-Grants again this year to help 501(c)3 non-profit organizations start or complete projects that enhance the heritage value of their respective communities. Public education institutions, municipalities and the four counties served by the EMHR are also eligible for funding. Applications will be accepted from Friday, April 1 to Monday, May 2.

Previous Mini-Grant recipients have used funds for trails projects, park improvements, special purpose and feasibility studies, construction or repairs to historic venues, educational programs for adults and children, increasing public access to heritage sites, interpretive and way-finding signage, mural projects and more. Organizations may also apply for grants to assist with costs of implementation projects.

The EMHR is proud to offer this annual grants program to our heritage partner organizations across the four-county region,” said EMHR executive director Cain Chamberlin, who noted that the EMHR has $65,000 in grants available, the same as last year. “We are excited to be able to provide more financial assistance to our applicants, particularly when so many entities have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The EMHR receives many great applications each year and, because there are limited funds available, it becomes a very competitive grant process. “Our grants review committee always wishes we could fund all of the proposed projects and programs, but they do their best in selecting the ones that further the mission and the objectives of the EMHR,” Chamberlin stated.

Applicants must be paying members of the EMHR, which serves Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna and Wyoming counties to apply, and the organization must be in one of those counties. Membership for those not applying for a mini-grant is currently free, Chamberlin noted, due to ongoing financial challenges associated with the pandemic. In recent years, there have been no applications submitted from Sullivan County, and Chamberlin is hopeful that the EMHR can help to fund projects there this year as the county is about to complete its Comprehensive Recreation, Parks and Greenways Plan.

Grant amounts can range from $1,000 to $10,000 with a 100 percent match required. In other words, if the total project cost will be $16,000, the organization can apply for up to $8,000. An applicant’s match can be in the form of cash-match or in-kind match, meaning volunteer hours and donated professional services can be utilized.

Applications will be evaluated by the EMHR Grants Review Committee in May, and successful applicants will be notified by email or letter by May 25. Work on projects may begin on June 6, 2022 and must be completed by Sept. 1, 2023 with proper documentation submitted to the EMHR. Administrative assistant Vanessa Billings-Seiler is more than happy to answer questions from applicants prior to submission and during the course of the project itself.

The EMHR Partnership/Mini-Grants program is made possible with direct support from the PA DCNR. For more information, interested readers should log on to and click on Grants. Questions may be directed to Billings-Seiler at 570-265-1528 or

A glacier is under construction in the Clifford Township Children’s Garden in Susquehanna County, thanks to a partnership mini-grant from the EMHR.

The reverse of the postcard of the Vosburg Neck mural provides visitors to downtown Tunkhannock an opportunity for unique selfies.

The refurbished staircase in the LeRoy Historical Society building.


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