Richard “Rick” Wilbur has announced his candidacy for Wyoming County Commissioner on the Republican ballot.
“For the second year in a row, property taxes have increased. Many taxpayers are on fixed budgets and cannot afford the tax increases that in my opinion, are the result of poor budget management and bad decisions. We need to hold the line on spending and not simply increase taxes because spending is out of control. With over 40 years of accounting experience, I am the most qualified candidate for this position and I promise to be a steward of your tax money if elected.”
“Being a Commissioner should be a full time job and I plan to treat it that way if elected. A commissioner should be spending time every day available to taxpayers and reviewing expenditures to insure that spending in all departments is in line and every step possible is being taken to hold down costs. We can’t have $90,000 in toner cartridges bought and shoved in closets and desk drawers without anyone asking the question why. We cannot ignore a quarter million dollars in funds that townships and boroughs can use for roads to not get reimbursed by the state because we failed to fill out the paperwork after being reminded numerous times.”
“I feel that Commissioners should make themselves available to constituents throughout the county and am proposing that Commissioners meet once a month in an informal evening meeting in the townships and boroughs throughout the county. This gives taxpayers a chance to meet and talk to Commissioners to discuss their concerns. The opportunity will be given to each local jurisdiction to participate and eventually meetings will be held in every interested one.”
“Wyoming County is devastated by the opioid epidemic and I pledge to give as much time and resources as possible to end this scourge. I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I will make myself available to those who can help and have ideas. I’m encouraged by the D.A.’s office prosecuting dealers with felony homicide charges if the drugs they are dealing results in death. There are many in our communities touched by this epidemic and my door will always be open to discuss and hear what they have to say about doing something to end it.”
“We are blessed to have Tyler Memorial Hospital in Wyoming County and must do everything we can to keep it vibrant. We all must strive to promote our hometown hospital and let everyone know what a fine facility it is.”
“Economic development is paramount to the success of Wyoming County. I’ve witnessed the exodus of young talent because of the lack of good paying jobs. We have an active Chamber of Commerce promoting our county but more needs to be done to encourage new business. As our population ages, we must find new opportunity for young people to replace them in the work force. Perhaps working with surrounding counties as a group rather than as an island of our own, we can attract employers within commuting distance of Wyoming County residents.”
“Tourism is one of the biggest employers in Wyoming County and should be encouraged as much as possible. As important as being stewards of taxpayer’s money is, we must also never forget how important it is to be stewards of our environment and our rural lifestyle.”
The position of County Commissioner should not be a lifetime career. It should be for a short duration insuring that new ideas come to the table on a regular basis. Turnover of commissioners insures that entrenchment ends and long-term relationships between commissioners and vendors cannot happen. If I’m fortunate enough to become your next County Commissioner, I pledge that I will not serve for more than eight years.”
“Contracts for services need to be reviewed constantly and put out for bid even if not required by law. I feel there could be waste and cost savings being overlooked because of complacency by current commissioners after so many years on the job. It’s easy to continue with status quo and not consider change when you’ve been in office for many years.”
“The job of County Commissioner is a fiduciary position and a Commissioner should be a steward of taxpayer’s money. In my 40 years as an employee, financial professional and volunteer with financial responsibility for various groups, I have performed that duty without fail or question. I believe that my experience is what Wyoming County needs and I am eminently qualified to be your next County Commissioner. Please visit my website for more detailed info.”