To familiarize area residents about their responsibilities as gun owners, Reps. Tina Pickett (Bradford/Sullivan/Susquehanna) and Jonathan Fritz (Susquehanna/Wayne) will host a concealed carry seminar at the Hop Bottom Fire Hall on Thursday, April 20.
“These seminars have been quite popular in our area, as they have not only familiarized our local gun owners with state firearms laws, but they have included information about the Castle Doctrine and how that law is applied in cases of self-defense,” Pickett said. “Since our area is so close to the New York border, many questions have been answered regarding residents’ ability to cross state lines with their firearms.”
“I’m pleased to extend this educational opportunity to area residents,” said Fritz. “There is a strong demand for knowledge concerning state firearm laws, and I want to arm our area gun owners with the important information that they need.”
In addition to an overview of the state’s firearms laws, the seminar will include information on how to safely interact with police when carrying a firearm, as well as the legal aspects of Pennsylvania’s Castle Doctrine, which allows a homeowner to use deadly force if necessary when threatened by an armed intruder.
The seminar will be held from 6-8 p.m., with doors opening at 5:30 p.m.
Registration is required for this event and can be made by going online or, or by calling Pickett’s Towanda office at 570-265-3124 or Fritz’s office at 570-278-3374. Seating is limited. Light refreshments will be served.