IBEW Local 375, based in Allentown, has endorsed progressive Bradford County Commissioner Mark Smith for Lieutenant Governor.
“I’m extremely impressed and encouraged with Mark’s progressive, forward thinking approach to dealing with issues that affect the working middle class,” said Paul Anthony Jr., Business Manager of Local 375. “The officers and members of the IBEW Local Union #375 are proud to endorse Mark’s campaign for Lieutenant Governor.”
IBEW Local 375 represents 900 members in the electrical construction trade in the greater Allentown area. Founded in 1914, it is one of the oldest unions in the Lehigh Valley.
This is the 15thlabor endorsement for Smith, clearly making him the choice of organized labor in the Lt. Governor’s race.
“I’m extremely happy to receive the endorsement of the working families and members of IBEW Local 375 in Allentown,” Smith stated. “Receiving an endorsement from such hard-working, middle-class Americans is truly humbling.”
Mark Smith entered the race for Lieutenant Governor last February. In 2008, he became the youngest County Commissioner in Bradford County history and was the top vote getter in a largely Republican County. Smith served as Chairman of the County Commission for four years, overseeing enormous economic development and job growth, while leading important government modernization and reform initiatives. Under Smith’s watch, Bradford County’s private sector employment increased 15 percent, as statewide and national employment decreased by 2 and 4 percent, respectively.