It ended almost as quickly as it began. Two unidentified old men sitting at the bar at the Marie Antoinette in Wyalusing Township on Wednesday night left their bar stools and laid side-by-side on the floor and commenced to leg rasslin’ with no apparent provocation.
Laying opposite each other, the seasoned patrons, who might have had a few too many, first had a tough time tossing their rasslin’ legs high enough into the air to link them.
Eventually, they succeeded in hooking their legs and, to the amusement of other patrons, started rocking and rolling on the dusty bar floor.
Wallets and cellphones were ejected from their pants pockets, and at least one chair was pulled over during the friendly scrap.
With not much more than a few grunts, the men picked themselves up, dusted themselves off, and went to the men’s room to – we must assume – empty their agitated bladders.