I am excited to formally announce that I will continue my quest for a seat among the Wyoming County Commissioners with a write-in campaign for the General Municipal Election of Tuesday, November 5. Since May, I have become better acquainted with municipalities in the county and improved my abilities to perform the duties of county commissioner.
I have also taken this time to reassess my 10-point campaign platform to determine how to better address the concerns of county residents and municipal leaders and assure voters that I understand the issues and am prepared to take action on day one of my first term. My concerns have always reflected the concerns of the voters, solicited early this year to establish my platform. My renewed endeavor is focused on showing voters that I know how to apply the county’s greatest assets to address our biggest challenges.
Having reported on county government in Wyoming, Bradford, Sullivan and Susquehanna counties for the past eight years, I have truly seen the good, bad and ugly of governing styles. I studied Roberts Rules of Order – simple guidelines that have been used for more than 100 years to provide cohesiveness for public discourse – in high school and again in college. As part of my profession, I am often called upon to chair meetings for organizations and committees to ensure relative order. I propose that the responsibility of chairing the public meetings be rotated among the three commissioners.
I have also proposed that a number of the public commissioners meetings be held at times other than 9 am on Tuesday mornings and at locations outside the Wyoming County Courthouse to allow for citizens who normally cannot attend nor participate in the process to join us. Only by making this change, can you see what county government involves and judge for yourselves whether or not we are conducting your business with professionalism and transparency.
I believe that my greatest asset to the average voter is I am one of you. I am not wealthy, nor do I ever expect to be. I come from a humble background. Both of my grandparents were farmers who struggled daily to ensure that my parents, aunts and uncles had a better shot at life than they initially did. I was never aware as I grew up that we did not have as much as some people did because the love of my grandparents filled those voids.
Of the most pressing issues in Wyoming County today, I can be of the greatest assistance on the following: making county government more transparent and accessible; addressing the overcrowding of our prison by fostering a more efficient court system; strengthening the county’s business climate; working more closely with the gas industry to both ensure environmental protection and getting our share of jobs and development; preparing youths to meet the challenges of a changing job market; exploring new approaches to the drug crisis and helping people with mental health issues; and saving farms and rural landscapes by enhancing tourism and embracing our position as the Gateway to the Endless Mountains.
I am also excited about the possibility of representing Wyoming County on regional and state boards and committees that address and provide resources for dealing with the aforementioned challenges.
If these principals appeal to you, please consider a donation to my campaign. Checks can be mailed to Rick Hiduk for Commissioner, PO Box 385, Tunkhannnock, PA 18675.
Please post questions and concerns and follow my campaign on Friends of Rick Hiduk for County Commissioner on Facebook. And remember to write in Rick Hiduk for Wyoming County Commissioner at your local polling station on Nov. 5.
Thank You.
Rick Hiduk