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Farm Women United (FWU), a grass-roots association organized by farm women to “Take back our food supply, one policy project at a time,” is holding a “Dairy Farm Family Crisis Hearing” on July 24, 2018, from 9 am to 5 pm, at the Lairdsville Fire Hall, 143 School Lane, Lairdsville, to address the humanitarian crisis overtaking dairy farmers as federal milk prices remain below farmers’ cost of production, milk markets stagnate under virtual monopoly conditions, and the accompanying financial fallout threatens to bankrupt rural businesses and eliminate consumers’ local milk supplies.
FWU is sponsoring this public hearing because elected officials have, to date, done nothing to correct the federal dairy and “Free Trade” policies that have set the stage for this historic socio-economic disaster that threatens the local rural infrastructure that is vital for America’s food security. The “Hearing” will give the afflicted dairy farmers, members of the rural business community, consumers, and other interested parties an opportunity to learn more about what is causing the ongoing low milk prices and how elected officials can solve these problems that are victimizing the dairy farming communities and consumers.
Guest speakers, presentations, and opportunities for attendees to be heard publicly and pick up information about the low milk prices that are putting dairy farmers out of business and threatening the survival of rural communities and the consumers’ local milk supply will be available throughout the “Hearing” from 9 am to 5 pm. (Lunch will be available to purchase.)
“90% of our American dairy farmers have already been eliminated in the past 50 years because of low milk prices that are controlled by federal politicians. It is time for politicians to put our dairy farmers at the front of the line for a change and get us a fair milk price. Without immediate emergency intervention to stabilize the farmers’ milk price, no dairy farmers will be left in business. Where will consumers get their milk then? These critical issues will be addressed at FWU’s ‘Hearing,” said Tina Carlin, Executive Director of Farm Women United.
“The number one problem for dairy farmers is the low milk price. We are in a full-blown emergency, and no one in DC is doing anything to fix this financial disaster that is wiping out dairy farmers everywhere. Where dairy farmers go, so goes the rural economy. How can we ‘Make America Great Again’ when dairy farmers are being eliminated to advance corporate ‘Free Trade’ dairy ‘Industry’ special interests? FWU’s ‘Hearing’ will be a good start to end DC’s whitewashing of the blatant corruption that has overtaken all things ‘dairy’ in the federal government,” stated Brenda Cochran, FWU President.
“I believe the absolute necessities for our survival are God, food, air, and water. Today, what God provides is being ‘messed around with,’ and the greedy, all too powerful, are reaping huge profits worldwide, while farmers are being eliminated, consumers’ health is being affected, local to national economies are taking a huge hit, and our nation’s security is being put at risk. I pray that the Farm Women United ‘Dairy Farm Family Crisis Hearing’ will spur the changes needed to get our nation back on the right track, because any nation that cannot feed itself is not free, and that is where we are headed,” said Donna Hall, Vice President of Farm Women United.
“Indeed the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.” James 5:4
For more information, or to join FWU, please check out our website, check us out on Facebook, or call Tina Carlin, FWU Correspondence Liaison, at 570-267-7405.