The Dietrich Theater and Keystone College will be co-producing the play “The Laramie Project” in April 2014. This is the true story of Matthew Shepard, a 21 year old University of Wyoming student who was kidnapped, severely beaten, tied to a fence and left to die because he was gay. The show details the effects of his death told by the residents of a small town that was forever changed by a hate crime.
Performances will be on two consecutive weekends – April 4, 5, 6 at the Theater at Brooks at Keystone and April 11, 12, 13 at the Dietrich. Needed are 20 women and men ages 18 – 70 who will play a variety of roles. Audition dates will be announced in January 2014, and audition scenes will be available on the website
Producers are also looking for people interested in working behind the scenes. Those with technical or backstage experience or a willingness to learn should call the Dietrich at 570-996-1511. Everyone is encouraged, regardless of experience; this is a non-equity production incorporating both students and community members.