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This Saturday, April 6, farmers and neighbors won’t want to miss this power packed conservation field day at Dewy Meadows Farm (grass-fed beef and maple syrup) in Warren Center, Bradford County. Four field walks will include Wood chip winter cattle confinement area showcase; Rotational grazing methods, management and tools; Soil health in farm fields; and Pollinator habitat and stream buffers with a live staking demonstration. Come and go, visit one or all stations as fits your schedule. The event will run from 10 am until 2 pm with lunch served from 11 am – 1 pm. There is no registration required and no cost to attend. The farm is located at 3249 Montrose Turnpike on Little Meadows Road between Warren Center and Little Meadows.
The following field walks are scheduled two times each (same talk repeated). Field station leaders will be on hand throughout the day.
Wood Chip Barnyard Showcase – 10:00 – 10:30 am and 12:00 – 12:30 pm
Rob Sweppenheiser, District Engineer, Bradford County Conservation District
As an alternative to concrete, the wood chip surface underlain with drainage has been used for cattle confinement since January at Dewy Meadows Farm. Runoff from the lot is collected and irrigated to a vegetated treatment area in the pasture. Manure is 100% contained for field application. Learn design considerations for this system and see how it has performed through the winter.
Rotational Grazing Methods, Management and Tools – 10:30 – 11:00 am and 12:30 – 1:00 pm
John Wickham, Regional Grazing Specialist, Upper Susquehanna Coalition
How can we think differently about pasture management? What does “rotational” grazing mean? Learn how to improve pasture forage health and yield. See examples of frost seeding. Discuss methods of managing a rotational grazing system and look at some basic tools for the job.
Soil Health in Farm Fields – 11:00 – 11:30 am and 1:00 – 1:30 pm
Kevin Brown, Agricultural Resource Specialist, Bradford County Conservation District
What makes soil come alive? Is it more than water and fertilizer? Learn how to build soil, manage moisture, utilize existing nutrients, and increase yield. Learn how you can encourage soil biology to do a lot of work for you.
Pollinator Habitat and Stream Buffers – 11:30 – noon and 1:30 – 2:00 pm
Chad Spencer, Soil Conservationist, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Don’t overlook the value of plant and wildlife diversity on your property. Pollinators do more work than many of us realize. Learn about the value of pollinator habitat in field borders and stream buffers. Discuss strategic value of stream side areas and learn practical tips for managing them. Chad will lead a live staking demonstration to show how you can use cuttings from native trees and shrubs to quickly plant valuable trees in wet areas.
Financial Support for this event is provided in part by the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts, Inc. through a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act, administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The Bradford County Conservation District is committed to helping people manage resources wisely. You can visit the Bradford County Conservation District at 200 Lake Rd in Wysox across from the Wysox Fire Hall. Contact us at (570) 485-3144 or visit our web page at