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A garden that requires no work (well, very little anyway). Imagine no rock picking, no watering, no weeding, no tilling. Sound like a fantasy? It’s not. It is actually very easy to do and you don’t need to have anything to start except the willingness to try something new and some mulch. When conversations turn to this topic, people just can’t believe that it can be this simple. We want to tear up the earth. It makes us feel powerful and one with nature I guess. The truth is, nature wants us to leave it alone. Soil health depends on it. By tilling the land, we destroy soil biology, soil structure, burn organic matter, seal the ground off so it can’t absorb water, etc. Nothing good comes of it, but we have been trained to do it that way for years. There is a better way. Prepare the seedbed in the fall, properly. It takes very little work. Next spring, plant. Next fall, harvest. Work done. Come see a garden done this way.
Save the date for this exciting hands-on demonstration on Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 6 pm at the Bradford County Conservation District, 200 Lake Road, Wysox (right across from the Wysox Fire Hall). For more information or questions on the event, contact Kevin Brown at 570-485-3105.