Edited from Submitted Materials
The Endless Mountains Heritage Region (EMHR) will conduct a day-long workshop on cemetery preservation in April. Two opportunities to attend will be offered – tentatively scheduled for April 22 and 29 in Montrose.
Each day will include learning opportunities on the history of cemeteries, research resources, and methods for documentation. Appropriate cleaning techniques will be the focus of the workshop, and instructors will demonstrate so participants can see techniques up close and ask questions about the approach. Coffee and tea will be available throughout the morning, and a light lunch will be served.
Each participant will receive an instruction workbook and a toolkit of supplies (worth over $50) to take home for their own use. Sponsored by the Susquehanna County Marcellus Legacy Fund, this workshop is open to Susquehanna County residents. Registration information will be available soon. Interested readers are encouraged to check out the EMHR Facebook page as well as the monthly e-newsletter for more information.
Woo hoo!!!