Edited from submitted information
The time has come for the Bradford County Conservation District’s 6th annual Soil Health Conference on Wednesday, March 18. Program facilitators will provide the latest information on the soil health craze.
What are people doing with no till and cover crops these days? Two nationally renowned speakers – Rick Clark of Indiana and Russell Hedrick of North Carolina – will talk about what they are doing to cut costs, cut time in the field, make a better product, and most importantly, make them more profitable.
These experts are really looking at the bottom line. See how they have cut fertilizer bills significantly, along with seed bills, spray applications and the like. They are using less horsepower, less diesel fuel, and lime, for example.
They will discuss ways of planting “green” and relay cropping , as well as other new methods of farming.
The full-day conference will be held at the Wysox Fire Company and hear from. Attendance for this event has been very high in years past, so registration is required.
Cost is $15/person before March 6th and $20 after that. Registration and information can be found online at www.bccdpa.com.
Interested readers may call Call Kevin Brown at 570-485-3105 for further details. The conference will run from 8:30 to 3:30 and lunch is included in the cost.