Rep. Pickett Reminds Residents of December Satellite Office Hours, Notes Redistricting

tina pickett july 14

Rep. Tina Pickett (Bradford/Sullivan/Susquehanna) reminds residents of Sullivan and Susquehanna counties that her December satellite office hours will be altered slightly for the month.

Even though the winter weather is already starting to take hold across the Northern Tier, my office staff will be available during our special satellite office hours on Wednesdays, Dec. 10 and 17,” Pickett announced. “We encourage anyone in the 110th District in Sullivan and Susquehanna counties to stop by for assistance with state-government related issues.”

Pickett’s staff will be at the Heft’s Buy & Sell (formerly Flynn’s Consignment Shop), which is located along State Route 706, in Lawton, on Dec. 10, from 10 am until 2 pm.

Likewise, Pickett noted the Sullivan County office hours will be held on Dec. 17, at the county commissioners’ office in the courthouse at Laporte from 10 am to noon.

Pickett also noted that, as of Dec. 1, the 110th District in Susquehanna County will include Lathrop Township, Springville, Hop Bottom and Friendsville in Susquehanna County. Forest Lake and Jessup townships, also in Susquehanna County, will be part of the new 111th District.

To help veterans in the northern area of Bradford County, Pickett’s Sayre district office will host free veterans assistance hours provided by the American Legion Service Officer Outreach Program on the third Thursday of each month from 10 am to 2 pm. The date for this month is Dec. 18.

As part of the outreach, Gina Svoboda, a department service officer with the American Legion, can help with compensation, pension, death benefits, education and health care, as well as any issues pertaining to benefits for veterans. Veterans do not need to be a member of the American Legion to receive these services. Appointments can be made by calling Pickett’s Sayre office at 570-888-9011.

Pickett’s full-time offices are located at 321 Main St., Towanda (phone 570-265-3124) and 106 West Packer Ave., Sayre (phone 570-888-9011). More information is available 24 hours a day online at or at Residents can also sign up via her website to receive a weekly email about local and state activities.

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