Participants in the first Wyoming County Prison Board meeting of 2020 included (clockwise, from right) county clerk Bill Gaylord, district attorney Jeff Mitchell, warden Ken Repsher, public defender Tim Michaels, solicitor Paul Litwin III, and commissioners Tom Henry, Rick Wilbur, and Ernie King. Deputy warden Gordon Traveny is seated atContinue Reading

Participants in the final Prison Board Meeting of 2019 in Bradford County included (clockwise, from front) judge Maureen Beirne, warden Don Stewart, commissioner Daryl Miller, deputy warden Pete Quattrini, commissioner Ed Bustin, district attorney Dan Barrett, sheriff CJ Walters, and commissioner Doug McLinko. By Rick Hiduk (Exclusive to readers)Continue Reading

Police Report edited by Rick Hiduk (Exclusive to readers) Wyoming County Correctional Facility officials reported a physical incursion involving four prisoners to Tunkhannock Borough Police on Nov. 8. The resulting investigation by officer Dustin Coakley resulted in three of the men being charged with assault and physical harassment. CoakleyContinue Reading

By Rick Hiduk (Exclusive to readers) Wyoming County Correctional Facility warden Ken Repsher told the county commissioners and others in attendance at the Prison Board meeting on Tuesday that the facility’s staff has been coordinating the bulk of intake assessments recently. “The staff took it upon themselves to getContinue Reading

Photos and story by Rick Hiduk (Exclusive to readers) Ongoing debate as to whether or not a new correctional facility should be constructed in Wyoming County has fueled criticism over what many residents perceive as “over-jailing,” as well as an unwillingness of many taxpayers to absorb the estimated costContinue Reading

Participants in the September meeting of the Wyoming County Prison Board included (clockwise from lower left) commissioners Judy Mead, Tom Henry and Mike Stabinsky; deputy chief clerk Georgette Smith, sheriff Ned Sherman, district attorney Jeff Mitchell, warden Ken Repsher, judge Russell Shurtleff, public defender Tim Michaels and county solicitor PaulContinue Reading

Participants in Tuesday’s meeting of the Wyoming County Prison Board included (clockwise from left) solicitor Paul Litwin III, commissioners Judy Mead, Tom Henry and Mike Stabinsky, chief clerk Bill Gaylord, sheriff Edward Sherman, district attorney Jeff Mitchell, warden Ken Repsher, president judge Russell Shurtleff, and public defender Tim Michaels. PhotoContinue Reading