“Let Your Bar Be The Star” at EndlessMtnLifestyles.com

Forksville Inn night

Offering Direct Promotional Services for Bars, Taverns, Pubs and Eateries that provide entertainment, including composition of a Feature Story for the only website specifically catering to consumers in the four-county Endless Mountains region of northeastern Pennsylvania.

A feature story/press release that helps to convey to the patrons you want what your establishment has to offer is the perfect way to get additional information like menu items, drink specials, and other promotional aspects of your business in front of potential patrons via local publications, social media outlets, and EndlessMtnLifestyles.com.

warren taps


These services are being offered in response to a number of owners and managers of drinkeries and restaurants with bars – included in the

Endless Mountains Nights Out” weekly entertainment report – who have expressed an interest in having more details about their respective establishments available to regular readers.

Endless Mountains Nights Out” is posted on Thursday mornings and runs through Sunday evenings. It provides a concise synopsis of the entertainment available to readers specifically seeking that information. Currently, details about your venue include only bar name, address, and phone number. The remainder of the information provided is about the bands and DJs themselves.

For $150, we can work together to develop a 500-600 word feature story/press release that would target any elements of your business that will help attract the costumer base you are seeking. A brief historical overview of your business (and former businesses at your current location) provides a welcoming and viable preface on which we would layer your company’s philosophies on costumer needs and costumer service and how you and your staff strive to provide them.

This offer includes: telephone or in-person interviews as needed, a 500-600 word feature story/press release to be pre-approved by designated contact prior to distribution, a two-month run at EndlessMtnLifestyles.com under Business Profiles, ownership of finished project to be used at discretion of the business, four subsequent insertions of link to article in “Endless Mountains Nights Out” for each of four weeks following that establishment has entertainment scheduled, distribution to agreed upon publications via EMmediaDistrubtion@gmail.com, and professional consultation as to how to further market your piece.

(Notes: EndlessMtnLifestyles.com and its distribution branch cannot guarantee publication of your piece beyond the website. At least two photos will be required for posting of the article at EndlessMtnLifestyles.com. These can be provided by the establishment, or we can visit to take photos at an additional charge. Professional photographers and/or studios will be credited for the photos used if requested. Insertions of link to article in “Endless Mountains Nights Out” entertainment report beyond four weeks is renegotiable after original agreement has been satisfied.)

Contact us at EndlessMtnLifestyles@gmail.com or via personal message to Rick Hiduk on Facebook for more information. Leave day and nighttime phone number. We look forward to working with you!

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