Proclaiming May as Mental Health Awareness Month in Wyoming County were county commissioners (seated, from left) Tom Henry, Rick Wilbur, and Ernie King; (standing) Mike Hopkins, CEO of Children’s Service Center; Luzerne/Wyoming Counties Mental Health & Developmental Services representatives Cheryl Farkaly, Renee Smith, Jonathan Bates, Tara Fox and Amy Tomkoski;Continue Reading

Participants in the Sept. 13 meeting of the Wyoming County Commissioners included (from left) solicitor Paul Litwin III; commissioners Tom Henry, Rick Wilbur, and Ernie King; and deputy chief clerk Amber Franko. Photo and story by Rick Hiduk (Exclusive to readers) Tapping a variety of sources and accounts availableContinue Reading

Wyoming County commissioners (seated, from left) Tom Henry, Rick Wilbur, and Ernie King marked Child Welfare Professionals Appreciation Week with (standing) county caseworkers Jordan Flynn, Casey Sickler, Amy Llewellyn, and Christine Solomon; supervisors Kelly Heatherman and Meagan Janiszewski; caseworker Crystal Miller, county human services director John Alunni, and (not pictured)Continue Reading